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Challenging the assumptions we live by — Because I want to.

Posts Tagged ‘W. VA’

W. Virginia Gives E-Voting VP an Award While Machines Malfunction

Posted by kelliasworld on October 27, 2008

Article from Wired Magazine’s THREAT LEVEL blog:

By Kim Zetter

A day after West Virginia secretary of state Betty Ireland held a press conference to address vote-switching problems with touchscreen voting machines made by Election Systems & Software, she presented an award of merit to an ES&S vice president, who had abruptly and mysteriously left the company in May after 11 years of service, according to the Charleston Gazette.

The rest of the article.


It is both amazing and disturbing to see the lengths to which elected officials will go to try to convince the public that electronic voting is OK. Is it that Americans can’t admit that “high” technology is not always better than simpler methods (e.g. paper ballots), especially when that technology has cost the taxpayers a fortune? Or is it that the Demoblican Party is hell-bent on making this technology acceptable so that it can continue its thieving ways, and those who object to a generally accepted technology will be considered tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists worthy only of pity or contempt?

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